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Sending a new policy

How do I create and send a new policy?

Where to find policies

Policies can be found in the main menu (top left).

Sending a new policy ENG - Menu

Create a new policy

You can create a new policy to distribute by clicking the plus(+) sign in the top right.

From here you will be asked to provide a name for the distribution of the policy, this could simply be the name of the policy.

Sending a new policy ENG - Create policy

Upload a policy

You will now be asked to attach the relevant policy. Like any attachment in Wired Relations this can be done by uploading the file or by linking to a url (eg. link to the policy on your intranet).

Sending a new policy ENG - Attach policy

Select users

When selecting an audience to distribute the policy to you have 2 options.

  1. Manually select each user - from your list of users in Wired Relations - that you want to distribute this policy to.

  2. Import a list of users that the policy needs to be distributed to.

Manually select each user - from your list of users in Wired Relations - that you want to distribute this policy to.

Import a list of users that the policy needs to be distributed to.

If your colleagues are not users in Wired Relations yet, then you can create them manually, or import a list of users using the import mentioned above

Sending a new policy ENG - select audienceSend policy

You now have the chance to review information and the selected audience before sending the policy into all of their inboxes.

Sending a new policy ENG - Send policy